



Monday, October 26, 2020

How to be creative

Creativity is inherent. It's just in us. Only thing we need to do is tap into it.

Let me ask.

What comes in your mind when you listen to the word creativity?

A painting or a canvas?

We all think that creativity is just about making something that doesn't exist. 

It's not possible.

Creativity means to create something unique out of what that already exist.

5 tips to be more creative

Here are some tips which you can supercharge your creativity!

1. Creative and not creative is a false dichotomy

No one is born creative. 

Many people believe that some are born creative but this is wrong no one is born creative they learn and cultivate creativity in them the same way you learn to cook, eat and speak etc.

All you need to do is to evolve creativity in yourself.

2. Study more

Some of you may not find reading an interesting thing and they get bore soon.

More so the content you are reading does not speak to you (but I hope this content speak to you)

Now the question is why reading?

Reading I s the great way to give you creative ideas and also Sharpen you creative mind.

Try to read 300 word daily and then with the time increase it to 600 words and so on. 

3. Research more

If you got some questions in your mind and you don't ask it because you think they are silly then ask it because no questions is silly. It will give you more creative mind.

Do more research there is lot of content available on internet like you are reading this one.

As I want to become a Blogger I research a lot. I ask too much silly questions from a friend of mine.

Want to become an artist? Do research on it. Invest your time and money. Just be in it.

4.Get bored

Don't think that boredom is bad thing. 

Somewhere we all have gotten the memo to avoid boredom. We all pick up our phones and started scrolling.

We all have programed our brains that being bore is bad and we fill it with endless scrolling (here I am also including myself in it). 

But think for a while isn't boredom a necessary way to develop creative ideas.

It is because when we are getting bored our mind seeks fir other things to fill the gap. And instead of scrolling on social media if we start creating new ideas then how cool is this?

5. Spend some of time of day in thinking and dreaming

 spending some of your time in thinking an dreaming is indulgent.

This give you new ideas everyday. As a blogger I like to take pen and paper with schedule time. This gave my mind permission to think and write.


Final thoughts

These are the ways to be more creative. If you guys really want to be more creative then give yourself a time for imagination and dreaming and let your creativity comes out. 

Also let me know in comment section that which of the tip you are following already.

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