



Friday, October 23, 2020

6 habits you need to stop now

Bad habits prevent you from achieving your goals. Your little effort can take that habits away from you. Here I am sharing some of the habits you need to stop now.

1. Stop listening to negative input

Always think of the positive outputs.

If you get scared of negative output before doing any work then you will never be able to  do that work. I am always very positive and I never get scared of negative results because ups and downs are the part of life. I you will not fail then you will never learn something thing. What I believe is that failure is something better than success. Success give us happiness but failure give us lessons.

2. stop being busy

Don't you thing that being busy may lead you to the end of every relationship. I never give preference to materialistic things over relationships. These things end soon but relationships are the one that remain with you if you give importance to them. 

I am not saying work is not important. It's also important and sometime being busy is ok but always being busy is not a good thing. 

3. Stop leaving life up to chance

Stop saying "We will see what happens"

Because whatever happens wouldn't be seen .

If you leave your life up to chances the you will never set your goals. And obviously it's mean that you will never work hard to achieve your dreams.

If you want to achieve something then you have to stop leaving your life up to chances.

4. Don’t be a scarcity thinker

If you want a peaceful life then avoid scarcity thinking. Scarcity thinking can damage your mental and physical health.

Not only in poors scarcity thinking can also manifest in rich.

If you get into it than it gets harder to get out of it.

Be careful!

5. Don’t be your own worst enemy

Never give up and never say I can't do this. Always be confident. This will help you a lot to reach your goal.

If you think you are worthless then you will never do anything you will never achieve something in life.

6. Stop comparing yourself to other people

No one is perfect in this world and we all know that. 

Everyone have their worst and good site if someone have some bad thing than they have also a good site. 

All you can do is stay post and accept yourself in a way you are. Because the way you are is the best. Don't compare yourself to other by doing this you will lost your personality.

Final thoughts:

These are some bad habits that I think you need to stop today. And guys let me know which of the habit you don't have.

Comment below about your bad habits ill try to write a blog post on them.

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