



Tuesday, October 20, 2020

How to smell good all day | 5 ways to smell good all day

 Smelling good is as important as dressing at your great.

Have you ever walk through a person and love how they smell?

No doubt Perfumes paly a huge role but it doesn't last long. There are other tips then perfumes and fragrance that help you to smell good all day.

○Drink plenty of water

Drinking plenty of water help you to dilute smell that are unpleasant like garlic ginger onion etc.

Water help you to keeps your body running normally.

I think it is the one and the easiest way to smell good all day.

○Avoid wearing polyester garments

Stop wearing polyester garments!

If you wear polyester garments or undergarments then stop wearing it. Polyester dose not absorb sweat and create bad adore for our body.

○Use oil perfume

Use oil perfume if you want to smell good all day. Oil perfume in case of other perfumes stay longer. 

Best places to apply perfume


2_Behind ears

3_Inside your elbow

4_Behind the knees

○Make your fragrance last longer

I am going to share some tips that will help you to make your fragrance last longer.

1_Apply your fragrance on pulse points

You may don't know that applying perfumes on pulse point help then to stay for a long time. The basic reason is that our pulse point is warmer part of our body. In that way perfumes stay for a long time.

2_ Apply perfume base before applying perfumes

Another way to make your perfume last longer is to apply perfume base before applying perfumes.

3_ Don't rub your perfume.

If you want your perfume to stay for a long time then apply your perfume gentle on your body parts. Because if you rub your perfume the it break all the top notes of your perfumes.

○Moisturizer your skin

A moisturized skin is the best way to smell good all day long. If you haven't listen that applying a perfume on a moisturized body last longer then take a note because it's true.

○Scented lotion

Use scented lotion to moisturize your skin. It give a beautiful fragrance to use scented lotion before applying perfume. And also fragrance last longer when they are applied on a moisturized skin.

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