



Friday, October 30, 2020

5 ways to be more graceful

Being graceful is that important?

Grace is so beautiful and charming.

Grace is too important in life because one trait is that being graceful make others around you to feel like more at ease.

Today I am going to share some tips to be graceful.

Never cuss

If you are around someone and he/she start using words like

 shit fuck bitch etc

Then what do you think . Is that a classy person?

And the obvious answer is No!

If you really want to be graceful then stop saying these words as a habit.

○Dressing sense is conservative.

A classy women don't have desire to show off her body. Now you must be thinking that is old

Then you must look at the fact.

In this world women are still treated on the bases of their dressing sense. It must seem unfair.

But yeah this work is totally unfair!

A graceful person always look at the type of event before making any choice of clothes.

If you are going to a party then then wearing something cachy will look amazing.

If you are going to a business meeting then dress up like a professional and wear something appropriate.

She know when to smile and when not to

A graceful women knows the power of smile. She always know when to smile and when not to smile.

Their are lot of raw minded people who even don't know when to smile. And if they smile at some serious moment they are making themselve look more vulnerable.

I must say smile is a power to connect people. And a genuine smile can make people more comfortable and make them warm up to you.

○ Doesn't explain herself

No need to give explanations of anything even if you have done it or not. A graceful person never do this.

I believe that time is the worst teacher!

And when the time comes he teaches even the good ones.

So don't worry about anything and just move on.

Do little things for others

A graceful person is very grateful to others. 

They know how to make place in other heart just by doing little things.

If you do little thing for others then you are making them realize that you care for them.

It shows that you are kind and caring

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